Support for start-ups
Whether you're creating or growing your start-up, or branching out internationally, there are a number of support offers available to help you train, get advice, take part in international trade fairs or test the potential of international markets.
Entrepreneurship Training
Work through a range of training modules in order to develop your skills as an entrepreneur. This course will help you to create, take over or reorient a start-up.
Start-up Coaching
As a start-up, benefit from advice from experienced entrepreneurs to help you develop your business.
Start-up Camps
As a start-up participating in Start-up Coaching, discover international markets, test your business model and meet potential partners.
International trade fairs
As a start-up participating in Start-up Coaching, you can take part in major international trade fairs, showcase your innovation and meet potential partners.
Overview of calls for projects and applications
Discover the national and international calls for projects as well as the current calls for applications.