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Published on 1 May 2024

Start-up Coaching

The Start-up Coaching is aimed at young companies and their founders. It offers three different programmes, each focusing on specific development aspects in a way that is tailored to each start-up and comes with a voucher for the corresponding amount and validity period.

Innosuisse Start-up Coaching consists of three separate support offers: Initial Coaching, Core Coaching and Scale-up Coaching. Various vouchers provide access to advice from coaches.

Support offer Start-up Coaching

The Initial Coaching support offer is the entry point for Innosuisse Start-up Coaching.

4 January 2023

Initial Coaching

Initial Coaching grants you a voucher worth up to CHF 10 000 for coaching sessions with Innosuisse accredited coaches over a period of up to twelve months.

The Core Coaching support offer follows on from Initial Coaching as part of Innosuisse Start-up Coaching.

4 January 2023

Core Coaching

Core Coaching grants you a voucher worth of up to CHF 50 000 for coaching sessions with Innosuisse accredited coaches over a maximum period of 36 months.

Scale-up Coaching is aimed at start-ups with high growth potential to help them fine-tune and implement their growth strategy.

28 May 2024

Scale-up Coaching

Scale-up Coaching grants you a voucher worth up to CHF 75 000 for coaching sessions with Innosuisse accredited coaches over a period of up to 24 months.