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Published on 8 August 2024

Information & Communications Technology

Discover success stories in the fields of ‘information and communication technology.

20 June 2024

Innovation in the air traffic control service

Thanks to support from Innosuisse, the Geneva-based SME Skysoft-ATM has developed a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assist air traffic controllers.

14 March 2024

Artificial intelligence in the service of geriatrics

What can artificial intelligence (AI) do for geriatric medicine? Actually, quite a lot, says Thomas Münzer, Chief Physician at the Geriatrische Klinik St. Gallen: «AI has the potential to relieve the burden on carers and maintain the autonomy of older people.»

The Swiss start-up Kitro helps companies to reduce food waste.

22 November 2022

Less food waste thanks to artificial intelligence

Tonnes of food ends up in the waste every day in the kitchens of Swiss restaurants, hotels and hospitals. The Swiss start-up Kitro helps companies to reduce food waste.

My live Zone 2

3 September 2022

Collaborative development across continents

The offices of MyLiveZone AG in Ipsach, Bern, are filled with rows of cabinets lined up side by side. If you look behind the glass doors, you will see square boxes of differing sizes, with interconnecting coloured cables and small blinking lights.

1 April 2022

3D face recognition, a solid defence against data theft

The topic of cybersecurity is more topical than ever. To protect sensitive data, the Lausanne-based company OneVisage SA offers a digital authentication solution based on 3D facial biometrics.

4 February 2022

Speech recognition for the languages spoken in Switzerland

Being able to transcribe the languages spoken in Switzerland, particularly Swiss German, is the mission of the Valais-based start-up recapp IT, which has developed a voice recognition system to transform conversations into text.

22 September 2021

Enhanced alarm system for lone workers

Guarantee the safety of lone workers thanks to an ultra-reliable communication system. This is the goal of a project led by Zurich-based company Swissphone Wireless AG in collaboration with the German Frauenhofer research institute.

18 March 2020

EPFL start-up seeks to clean up space

ClearSpace tackles failed satellites and the proliferation of debris in space. With the help of Innosuisse, this start-up from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne is developing technology based on artificial intelligence that is capable of approaching and capturing such debris.