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Published on 8 August 2024

Life Sciences

Discover examples of success stories in the field of life sciences.

Haya Therapeutics has developed a platform capable of identifying unknown RNAs.

10 December 2024

Putting innovation at the heart of RNA-based therapeutics

Working towards a crucial breakthrough in the way we treat disease: HAYA Therapeutics aims to revolutionise patients treatments by focusing on Dark Genome-derived RNAs.

QUMEA has developed an intelligent mobility monitoring system for the patient room.

23 September 2024

Enhancing patient safety while supporting healthcare staff in their work

Patient safety in healthcare institutions has taken a significant step forward. QUMEA has developed an intelligent mobility monitoring system for the patient room.

29 June 2022

Plant-based meat with further improved taste and texture

Planted has been producing plant-based meat derived from pea protein since 2019. The Zurich-based company’s products are sold throughout Switzerland. To convince even more meat eaters to take the plunge into a “meat-free world”, Planted has teamed up with ZHAW to develop more appetising products.

Avrion Therapeutics uses gene therapy to combat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

15 December 2021

Gene therapy to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Using gene therapy to address amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Promising research is currently underway using a combination of technologies, including genome engineering and artificial intelligence, beginning with a model organism, the fruit fly Drosophila.

AlveoliX provides in-vitro solutions based on organ-on-chip technologies aimed at improving preclinical decision-making and thus reducing drug development costs.

15 December 2020

Reproducing pulmonary function in the lab

Taking a journey inside the complex human lung AlveoliX's goal is to reproduce how this organ works within the human body. The organ-on-chip technology developed by the Bernese start-up reproduces the functioning of the lung on a small scale.