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Published on 8 August 2024

Energy & Environment

Discover examples of success stories in the energy and environment sectors.


19 September 2023

UniSieve revolutionises heavy industry with its environmentally friendly molecular separation technology

UniSieve is blowing winds of change into the heavy industry sector with it's new innovation – environmentally-friendly molecular separation technology. Faced with the urgent need to decarbonise, the industry is struggling to reduce its energy consumption.

The aim of the Flagship CircuBAT project is to reduce the ecological footprint of lithium-ion (Li-ion) automotive batteries throughout their life cycle.

13 June 2023

Improving the sustainability of electric vehicle Lithium-ion batteries

Improving the sustainability of electric vehicle batteries at all stages of their life cycle. This is the challenge that the partners involved in the Flagship project CircuBAT, supported by Innosuisse, have set themselves.

22 September 2022

Improving Swiss agricultural production through digitisation

Weed control in the fields using smart technology. This is the goal of an Innosuisse project, led by five partners. The objective is to eliminate the dock, an invasive plant, which is difficult to eradicate under normal circumstances.

Solaxer 3

3 September 2022

Lausanne start-up hopes to help industry switch to solar heating

Industry is responsible for nearly one third of the world’s energy consumption, and three quarters of this is attributable to process heat. Instead of using fossil fuels, it is also possible to produce this heat sustainably.

Innosuisse supports Vatorex

30 June 2021

Saving bees from varroa thanks to the heat

Saving the worlds honey bees, that is the objective of the Zurich start up Vatorex. Its founders, from a family of beekeepers, have developed a sustainable technique to overcome the parasitic Varroa mite.

8 September 2020

More efficient solar panels

Engineers from CSEM, EPFL and EMPA are developing a new technology for industrial use. It will increase the efficiency of photovoltaic panels.